Sunday, January 15, 2006

Playtesting for Kapcon

Luke:"Who's my Yum Yum?"

So I'm back from a day in the Pram playtesting Paul's Kung Fu game. It was a blast, although we did all kind of act up a little while playing.

The basic set up is quite cool - princess needing help, Kung fu experts hired to help... and Paul used the highly enjoyable Dynamic d6 system that is the core mechanic for Fireborn. All this was in aid of preparing for Kapcon.

Nick:"I'm a tiger! I'm not fricken here to entertain you!"

Kapcon is an annual roleplaying convention held down here in Wellington, and it was the core event that helped me meet a lot of the people who are now my friends here. It's a two day event held over Wellington Anniversary weekend, where six sessions of roleplaying games are played out for prizes, prestige and an all round good time. The prizes aren't really that big a deal - sometimes there are very cool games to be won - but most people actually turn up for the experience.

In a way, Kapcon is like the ironman of the local roleplaying scene. Games start around 9 and go to about 8 in the evening, which is then taken up with a three - four hour Live Action Role Play (LARP), followed by rest before the next run of games the following day. It's a load of fun, a great way to meet other roleplayers in the country and experience new games and styles of gaming.

Debbie:"Soggy Frottage?"

Sometimes things can get a little out of hand though. ;)

Well, I'm feeling rather tired today. A lot has been happening behind the scenes with me recently, and I'm sort of in a confused state about it all. There is work; prepping for Kapcon; thinking about my future; about study and where I want to potentially go; and romance (as usual.)

Or the lack of it, really. One thing that is readily apparent to me is the distinct lack of eligible bachelors who would be open to a relationship - my social circle really isn't the same as the kind I'd hang out in to find a prospective partner. But then I've never really had a social circle in which to look for someone that I'd be attracted to.

Oddly enough, I'd like to be going out with someone who was either a roleplayer, or accepting of my hobby. Not an easy ask.

On top of that, there are some things going on with which I'm not quite sure how I feel about them. Not to do with me - but for some reason I'm reacting to them. Not openly, but deep down something is bugging me. This isn't exactly related to the previous paragraph, just that it is simmering down there.

So yeah, a little confused at the moment. :)

I was thinking about how I really ought to have a few more friends my age - but I'm not really about to just go out and ask people "are you in your late-twenties or early thirties? No? Sorry, can't be friends then."

I worry that I make myself distant at times to people - like my friends here, I sometimes feel a bit awkward because I feel I should be more actively involved, but I don't have anything to say.

Sometimes I want to be more conversational, a little more open. But I think there is something that is making me a little awkward at the moment. Probably because I haven't been friends with them as long as my friends up in Auckland - so it will take a little time for me to get fully comfortable, and to also have that history. Good friendships are built over time, and I shouldn't expect that to happen over night.

I just worry that I'm offending people if I'm off doing my own thing and not making more time for them.

Sometimes I want to be more involved, but I just don't know how to be without being false about it. If I say something, I want it to be natural and not forced. Which isn't to say that it will be profound or anything. More often than not, it isn't. :)

Wow- I can be really silly at times about these things. :)

Recently I've found myself craving physical contact. Not the wey-hey-hey kind, but the intimacy of embracing someone.

I'm missing Alex again.

I'm over the actual situation, I'm more missing the comfortable times we had. We used to hug alot. I remember when we first met we used to just lie on a couch in the Lower Common Room at Uni in an intimate embrace. We didn't call it anything, and we just thought of it as being two friends who were happy with each other's company.

I keep remembering how happy I was back then.

Maybe it's because so much is uncertain for me at the moment, there is something real and solid about holding another human being and trusting them. That feeling of certainty that for this simple moment, the world isn't really important anymore because that intimacy is the entire world and you can just blank everything out.

For me, it is like a kind of meditation almost, a point where my mind calms and the world begins to make sense again.

Well enough ranting waffle from me, I have a lot to organise now, so I'll catch y'all later. :)

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Currently Watching: Around the World in 80 Days
Mood: Positive, but a tinged with melancholy.

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