Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A Man on the Hunt

Another day of job hunting - it is getting a bit concerning what I'm going to do about money soon. My Dad is offering to help, but he wasn't very clear how he was going to. It's not like he's rich or anything.


So I am a little worried today about how long this is going to be. When I first moved down it took a month for me to find a job. I'm hoping I wont have to do that again...

I'm feeling a bit pudgy today. I stopped going to the gym when I moved down, and I had been getting a flat stomach again, now it is definitely heading towards a pot-belly. But I'm finding it hard to motivate myself back into the gym. I know I will be fine once I get exercising again - I'm a little masochistic that way, I like the feeling of my muscles knitting from a good healthy workout.

The thing is with my monetary situation, I'm a little nervy.

Still kind of buzzed from Kapcon - so I'm doing good, and I've realised that I'm now feeling more Wellingtonian. :) So I am settling down.

Mash and I talked the other day and I pointed out how at the moment I'm not really mixing in any circles where I'm likely to meet someone to start dating. I had been obsessing about my appearance again, see. I'm trying to improve it, but I worry that I will not meet anyone, or if I do I wont be attracted.

Not that I hate how I look, I just never look good in pictures - my forehead always looks far too large and my chin too small.

I'm not depressed - just kind of... I don't know. Melancholy? :)

Anyhoop - I must go and keep hunting work. :D

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Angel the RPG
Currently Playing: Fireborn: Rememberance
Mood: Neutral

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