Tuesday, February 21, 2006

When Doors Open...

What a day! I spent a good part of the day walking around getting pieces of paper signed and entered into computers etc, but it is done now - I have applied to do a Graduate Diploma in Psychology with the intention of then moving to a BA(hons) or MA in Psychology, focusing on researching my theories about human choices and responsibility. I had an excellent conversation with one of the lecturers where I came to the realisation why I was getting frustrated with philosophy, philosophers love to talk and talk and talk, but they don't actually want to get anywhere with their contemplation - that's what scientists do.

So for me to make theory practical, I need to go into a more practical discipline. Psychology seems like the logical fit. :)


But man, Victoria is one very attractive campus - the view of Wellington today was just breathtaking. Auckland University's claim to fame is a stunning view of the Sky Tower. :D

Funnily enough, no sooner than I'd finished all the paperwork and signed up, but I get an interview for a Media Monitoring Analyst job!

Talk about a tough decision. If I continue down this path for university I'll be in a job that could potentially allow me to genuinely help people, or make some discovery about the way we think. If I get the job offer and take it, I will be able to earn an income monitoring media coverage and reports then writing up my own analyses of them.

My heart is kind of set on University now, even though it isn't going to be easy. But I would like to have a job now rather than look at possibly two years of living off bread crusts... :/

I'm going to the interview either way, see what happens. But it is going to be a tough call... What do you guys think I should do?

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
Currently Playing: Fireborn - Rememberance; Unknown Armies - To Go; Mage: The Awakening - Threshold
Mood: Facing the BIG decisions

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