Saturday, March 11, 2006

Big O! It's Showtime!

So I just finished watching The Big O.


It's kind of hard to describe the series without kind of ruining the twists and turns in the series. My best explanation is that if you like Rah Xephon or Neon Genesis- it will appeal. If you like film noir, it may appeal. If you like pulp adventure - it will appeal.

What starts off as a kind of kooky Big Robot series turns into something kind of impressive. It tries to present a very consistent world while keeping the big surprise until the end.

Initially I was uncertain about how well it was going to handle the noir tone it strove for, but as the series progressed, the tone deepened. There are some very obvious noir tropes that show up later in the series. In retrospect, I can see why they chose to use noir as the vehicle for the story - it is, in itself, a foreshadowing of what happens at the end.

Yes, the end. I recommend not trying to find out about it before watching the show. It is a bizarre and cool ending that I felt really fitted in with the general surreal qualities of the show. All in all, I give Big O the two thumbs up. It's right up with Rah Xephon, Utena, Lain and Cowboy Bebop as one of my favourite series. :D

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: A Game of Thrones
Currently Playing: Fireborn - Rememberance; Unknown Armies - To Go; Mage: The Awakening - Threshold
Mood: Experiencing post Anime finale buzz. :)

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