Saturday, December 31, 2005

Preparing to enter the new year

Strap in kiddies - the year is almost over and that rollercoaster of life is about to crank it up again.

Here's hoping that next year brings more happiness, peace and goodwill to the world. No, really. I'm not just going all Pepsi commercial on you. Over the first five years of the new millennium I have seen humanity fall into the worst examples of human selfishness and greed.

Not to say that it's all bad - we have also seen some of the brightest acts of kindness in years as well. But I can't shake the feeling that time is ticking now. Some say we have seven years before something happens. Notably the Mayans (or was it the Aztecs, I'll have to google this later and update you) listed in their calendars that what effectively calculates to the year 2012v is when everything stops. Now I suspect that it was just that a few thousand years ago someone said "Hey, y'know we've written up the calendar for the next several THOUSAND years. Why don't we give it a break."

And then the Spanish invaded.

So rather than being all doomsday, I just want people to think about what IF the world ends in seven years. What could you do in those seven years to be able to face the end of time and say "it's okay, I'm ready now."

I personally feel that I need to work on developing my compassion more, my self-image and try to find out how to overcome my personal foibles.

So here is to a happy holiday and the hope that maybe humanity will wake up and realise that EVERYONE can make a difference.

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Weapons of the Gods RPG; Prey by Michael Crichton

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

With Gay Abandon

So I was reading Nick's Livejournal and I was reminded of what happened while I was up in Auckland over Christmas.

See I understand Nick's dillemma because it happens constantly to a friend of mine, James. Now James is about Nick's age, a little older, and lives up in Auckland. James is studying computers and engineering, but he is also keen to become an actor as a career. (Ahhh the innocence of youth. Kidding, kidding.)

Now James is a very attractive, slim and healthy young man. But he has that kind of feline/pretty boy look, which ends up giving a lot of people the impression that he is gay. Add his lithe form, tendancy to be graceful when he moves and comfort with being intimately friendly (i.e. hugging) with his close friends... you can see the problem.

While I was up in Auckland this week, he was asked no less than three separate times if he was gay, or it was implied or stated that he seemed gay. Which I, naturally, found amusing personally.

The way I see it is that most woman are now finding that they have to ask before they try to flirt with a guy. Especially up in Auckland, because a well dressed, attractive and sexy male is likely to be either in a relationship or gay. Chances are if he is flirting back, he's a gay guy who has mistakenly thought you were just being camp with him. Frustrating for women.

The irony is that the same problem exists for gay men- if you meet an attractive, guy who is well-dressed and well-spoken(We're not talking hardcore camping ground scout jamboree types here) chances are that he'll be straight.

So how is this happening? Straight guys getting called gay, gay guys only being approached by women and straight men only being approached by gay men?

Personally, I put it down to stereotyping and people expecting others to fit into categories.

Look. Gay men aren't all "Are you being served" campy queens. Sure, a large proportion of them are - but not all. Some are very normal people who you wouldn't guess. But conversely, just because a guy wears pink and likes to dance and be sensitive - he's not necessarily gay.

It's okay to be sensitive. In fact, it's damn healthy.

Now I like gay jokes as much as the next person - really. I can see and appreciate the humour. But sometimes it can go too far. People can get frustrated and hurt.

Not that I have to face a problem with the issue. *Chuckle*

But it does upset me when friends get constantly hassled about it and the response from the people doing the hassling is "he just needs to get tough." It's hard for a guy who is straight to be taken seriously if whenever he's around his friends they tease him about being gay. It can also lead to some very uncomfortable situations that potentially ruin friendships.

And it's hard enough for gay guys to deal with their own issues when they can't feel comfortable about talking about their relationships for fear of ridicule. Even when that ridicule is only meant to be just for fun and not serious.


I guess that's enough lecturing for today. :) I'm just saying, be aware of your friend's feelings. Also - if you are upset by people teasing - just say so. If they keep on going (especially after constantly being told to stop) - they're not being good friends.

To quote Jack Nicholson - Why can't we all just... get along? :)

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading:Weapons of the Gods RPG; Prey by Michael Crichton
Mood: Good and healthy. :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

On Returning

Well I'm back from my Christmas vacation - and what a fun time I had. I got to catch up with a lot of my friends, spend time with Mum and Henley, and generally have a good four days holiday.

The interesting thing is that after my holiday, I've been revitalised. I've remembered why I came down here in the first place, and I'm feeling a lot more positive. There are some scary things on the horizon - the next couple of weeks could see me stressing about being able to cover the rent after all (work has been less than clear about how much I'm actually getting paid this week. :/) So hopefully I'll be able to keep on top of that.

On the bright side, I've received Weapons of the Gods. It's a sweeet as purchase. :)

I'll have more to say later - catch you all soon. :D

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Weapons of the Gods RPG; Prey by Micheal Crichton
Currently Watching:Angel Season 3
Mood: Upbeat and happy

Saturday, December 24, 2005

A Christmas Message


Just kidding. :D

I'm about to head off to get a plane up to Auckland, so this will be brief.

I hope everyone has a very very merry Christmas. May you have a safe holiday and enjoyable time with family/friends. Catch you all later!

Love and Huggles



Thursday, December 22, 2005

Kong vs Narnia - FIGHT!

Last night Nick and I went and saw King Kong. Wow. It was a pretty full on movie. :D I think we both ended up agreeing that it was a damn fine film - but not one that we'd be in a rush to go see again. While it was better than Lord of the Rings - the acting was great, the CG was amazing and it was a truly fantastic film - it went on for a long time and I'm not sure I'd be in a rush to experience that again. It's quite draining being in the theatre so long watching something with such schizophrenic pacing.

Narnia, equally, was a long and lush movie. I liked it, but the CG was not quite to Kong's standard. Most of all though, it suffered from the same pacing issue. It just kept stopping and starting. I walked out thinking "great film, but thank GOD it's over." I went and saw it today at Regent on Manners (They're cheaper tickets.)

So there we go. But at least I'm feeling good today. Looking forward to some more time off work.

More later...

Love and Huggles


Mood:Warming up...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Optimism is more than just a word...

Thanks to all the people who have said such kind things to me recently. It's really meant a lot.

Tara, the woman who I usually talk to at the bank, has managed to sort some stuff out that has helped ease a heck of a lot of the pressure that has been on me. With a temporary boost to my finances, I can weather through this harsh time so that I'll be able to focus on finding a job and sorting out my alternate plans with University.


I'm still very tired and mopey, but at least I can say that I kept my shit together enough to look for solutions and not spend the day just feeling sorry for myself. :)

I can't stay too long today - I'll post more tomorrow. :D

Just letting you all know that I'm still keeping positive in the face of adversity and all that stuff. :)

Love and Huggles


Mood:Improving, still a little down.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

They say it gets worse just before it gets better...

Today has been the worst day I have had since I moved down here.

I actually left work 5 hours early because I was simply unable to stand it anymore. I was stressed, worried, distracted and generally in a bad way. Things have been getting progressively worse since last night. After I found out about the rejection from the course, the internet went down. Then I realised that I may be facing problems paying rent next week because my bosses have slyly set things up so I don't get paid for public holidays, less hours and thus will be in deep financial poo.

Today I began to wish it would just all stop.

All of it - that being nothing would be better than going through anymore of this. I feel so weak and tired. My heart is empty and yet also like lead. I have a permanent lump in my throat like I'm about to burst into tears at any minute.

And it isn't because I didn't get into the course - this has been building up. It's the whole thing. The feeling that I made a monumental mistake and I wont be able to get out of it. I just don't know what to do anymore.

What do I want? I wanted to be a writer - but I never think I'm good enough. I get frustrated and tired easily. Most of the time I just want to lie down and go to sleep forever. It's not that I'm not cheerful - that is the real me, the cheerful guy. Because when I'm happy I forget all these worries and get to be myself again.

I miss Alex.

I hate Alex.

I know it would never have worked out. We were just not meant to be. But at least then I had something to focus on. Here... I'm lost. I sit here in my empty room thinking about how much my life hasn't turned out the way I wanted. Now I'm in tears.

I know it's not very manly - but I'm being honest about who I am and how I'm feeling. It's just becoming too much to handle and I actually don't feel like I can really find a solution. I want to call someone up - but what can anyone do? It's not their fight. Soothing words aren't going to help.

I just don't know where I belong anymore...

Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything stupid. I've already called the bank and I'm attempting to get an overdraft extension to help me through. But there is a good chance they'll say no. In which case - what am I going to do?

Then there is the issue of finding a job - I have had 0 luck finding anything yet.

And what about my future in general?

I don't want to end up in a job just because I need the money. That's why I left Auckland in the first place.

But where is there to go from here? I'm never qualified enough to do any of the jobs that interest me, I'm not a good enough writer to get any writing jobs it would seem.

What do I have that is of any value? I couldn't even be with the person I loved.

I know it will work out eventually. But that doesn't stop things from hurting right now. And they are really, really hurting.


Mood: I'm identifying with Sixth Season Buffy - that's how bad it is. I'm identifying with a fictional character from a fantasy series. :"(

Monday, December 19, 2005

Bad news

So I didn't get into the MA in Creative Writing.

That's hit harder than I thought it would. I guess the whole thing of being pressured out of my job ahead of time, that I'm still without furniture because of my family's notorious behaviour, that I'm still not feeling settled and generally stressed about money and debts... it's just left me in free fall.

For the briefest moment I was caught with the idea of just running back to Auckland and trying to restore my old life. But that isn't going to happen. I'm not going to give in.

However, now I need to make some serious decisions. I can go on to do the Psychology degree that I was toying with - and that seems like a smart move.

In the meantime, I'll apply for a creative New Zealand grant, chase other avenues and get published anyway. Then I will be going back to the selectors for this course and I will make them eat that rejection. :D

I'm not really sure how I'm feeling at the moment... I feel kind of empty, and tense.

I would just like something to go right for a change...

Love and Huggles


Currently Watching: Buffy Season 6, Disc 1
Mood: Disappointed, very tired

Honesty and Words

Talk about a healthy start! :) Well, I've been thinking a bit about what I'm intending to post today...

Firstly - passwords are so annoying. More accurately, Hackers are annoying. I recently had to change the password on my gmail account because hackers got into a database that had my e-mail and contact details, along with about 6000 other people. So I diligently changed my password. Except now I can't remember it, and can only access my e-mail from my laptop. *sigh*

So hackers suck, because they think they're cool - but most of the time they're just nobs who have nothing better to do with their intelligence and skills.

Now that I've made myself a nice little target for future attacks...

I've been thinking a bit about what I wrote the other day. Love and stuff. (Seems to be a bit of a theme at the moment.) Anyway, I've been working through my own issues recently regarding what I had led myself to be the love of my life - which was obviously not the case - and it's brought me to some interesting hypotheses.

Firstly there is the case of honesty. How honest can you be - see, honesty is meant to be a way of showing trust in someone. You're letting them know what you feel and think, and you are placing trust in them to not take advantage of that. In return, they are trusting you to be consistently honest. But some people use honesty to build trust, but to keep people fromn pressing too much about other things...

What am I saying there? Well there are some things that I've been holding back. Thoughts, feelings, that kind of thing. Why? Because there is a part of me that I've kept locked away from the world, a part that I keep for people who earn my complete trust.

The problem is that I let someone in and I got seriously hurt. I was treated like that hidden part of myself was of no value. Which led me to doubt everything else too. See, I don't lie about who I am - but I don't always tell the whole story. I don't feel it's a necessity.

But worst of all, out of all this doubt and loss I learnt the most harmful sentence I know. It's a sentence that can destroy friendships, split families, and make normally nice people become heartless.

That sentence is "I love you."

Love factors largely in my life - or more accurately, the eternal pursuit of it. It means a great deal to me - as I mentioned before. But in all my time searching, I have only said those words three times. Once as crush. Once as a mistake in the throes of adequate intimacy and once when I finally realised that I truly meant it.

My obvious bachelorhood should tell you how well those have worked for me...

I realised in that final time that I was willing to look out and care for this person without expecting anything back, and I felt so warm and empowered at first. But it was never returned. So I began to obsess. It wasn't as if the temptation was removed - rather it kept coming back, kept being set up to almost be there.

Now I pay for that obsession.

And I also learnt how scary it is to say those three words ever again. We take a plunge when we choose to open ourselves up. And the words "I love you" can have a sobering honesty to them.

Many people throw them around, mistaking so many different emotions for love. I believe the term is Limerence. A physical reaction that becomes a mental addiction.

But on the other side there is a painful loneliness that explains why we chase after these things that are bad for us.

So where does that leave me?

Well I'm lonely. That's a truth. I have been for a long time. I'm comfortable with who I am, and I'm trying to be happy by myself. I want to be able to be honest, and I think I do a good job at being just that. However, I am still holding things back... not that anyone has pressed me for details - which is good. But it's also leading to that cut-off feeling.

Like I mentioned before, I have a part of myself that I really would only share with someone... intimate, I guess.

Geez- I really do waffle, don't I? :)

I guess this time, I'm waiting for someone else to offer those three words to me. For the first time in my life, I want to be the one chased and romanced.

The problem is the awkward situations that could arise from all that if the wrong people choose to pursue. Or, worse, I don't pick up when someone is interested... I'm certain I've done that before - because I always end up doubting my instincts.

Which comes back to honesty - funnily enough. If only we could be more honest with each other without fear of embarrasment, humiliation or pain.

Something to think about.

Love and Huggles

Mood: Slightly sad, mostly tired...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The day after

Well I'd just like to say thank-you to everyone who showed up to our party last night... it was a lot of fun. :) I hope you all had a good time too.

Of course, Mash was in fine form too. :)

Today I'm going to be recovering, enjoying some World of Warcraft and generally being a lazy ass.

Catch you all later!

Love and Huggles



Saturday, December 17, 2005

Parties and stuff...

So we're having a party this evening at the flat, which is all good. Should be loads of people here, and I'm looking forward to it.

In other news, I've been waiting to hear back from Victoria University regarding my application to do the Master of Arts in Creative Writing. I gave them a call on Thursday, lo and behold, they wont be making a decision until this Monday. Talk about calling it close. :)

I'm kind of stalling before I have to go to work. Nick knows about that, I ranted at length yesterday about it. *chuckle*

Still kind of coming down from my mood before regarding the whole being by myself thing...

I'll probably have something more to waffle on about tomorrow. :D


Love and Huggles


Currently Watching: Angel Season 2, Disc 4
Mood: Cosi cosi

Friday, December 16, 2005

Love, Home and Youth

Firstly, in regards to the all out friends brawl, it looks as though Nick - The Bad Ass Loner - is well in the lead for winning. Still, there is still a chance it could all change. About Towners are still to really weigh in and Kate could still steal the crown. :D

Now, on to my ramble for today...

Yesterday was my day off work, and I took a little trip down to Kilbirnie to get some supplies for lunches over the next week. While I was walking along I kept thinking about my location. See, I'm trying to figure out when Wellington is going to feel like home to me.

I guess with so many things still up in the air, I still have a disconnected feeling. In Auckland I had things binding me to the city. Alex, my friends, my job, my past... all these things kept me feeling like I was a part of the city. I felt at home. Now I've left all that behind me - well, except for my friends who I still try to keep in touch with and hopefully will get to catch up with when I go to Auckland over christmas - but I still am yet to really feel like Wellington is home.

See, I love Wellington. It's a great city and I feel comfortable here. But walking into Kilbirnie... I still felt like I could be leaping on that plane any minute and returning to Auckland.

Yet, as I write this, I realise that going back to Auckland would leave me feeling equally disconnected. So much is up in the air at the moment for me.

As I am want to do when I'm feeling like this, my mind wanders back to the key issues that caused me to move. Something I haven't told some people is that I did move because of love - or more accurately, lack of it. The pressure was building, but one final spat convinced me that I was trapped in a cycle that was detrimental to my happiness - a cycle I kept up because I was in love. I realise now that it really was my love for someone that caused me to leave my old life behind.

In Auckland I was a huggy, cheerful and caring person. But it was kind of covering a sad emptiness. A desperate frustration that the one I had true unselfish feelings for wasn't returning the affection. Which led to an increase in selfish desire - until I lost the unselfish nature of my feelings.

In Wellington, that sadness is closer to the surface, but now I'm becoming my cheerful caring self again. Slowly. I need to face that darker part of who I am to become that brighter happier person I want to be.

Is that making any sense? :)

I'm not saying I've been lying to myself and everyone - I am a huggy, cheerful and caring person. But there is another part of who I am - and I think we're all like this - that I'm trying to come to terms with, I guess. :)

Heh, the things I think of when I'm walking in sunshine.

But it was also brought on when I walked past a cricket game in the park. There were all these kids - I think they were about 15-16 years old, maybe a bit younger. It got me to thinking about youth and how I would behave if I was 15 again but knowing what I now know about myself. What would I have done differently?

I'm sure everyone thinks like that from time to time.

Would I have not worried so much about finding true love? Would I have had a few casual flings?

I don't know. When I was a teenager, I wasn't interested in sex. Seriously. Even now it isn't really a big deal to me. But love. Ahhh, love is something else. Love, to me, is finding home. Like the old saying goes, home is where the heart is. That's love. It's about being accepted for your foibles, having someone see the good in you, getting that balance that makes it all seem right. It's about having trials and problems, but having the strength to see them through.

Yeesh - I'm turning into Deepak Chopra. :D

I often write about love because it is something that I feel eludes me. I have the love of friends, and of family. But maybe I do believe that there is something that is different to that. Something that is like friendship, like family but also like home.

Love is finding home.

So maybe I wont feel truly at home until I fall in love again. And to do that, I need to let my heart move down to Wellington too. Because right now... my heart is still living in Auckland. Too scared to pack its bags and let go of a lost cause. Or maybe, it's somewhere in between - trying to find its way here, but worried that it is not going to find a place in Wellington.

I moved down here to get away from a self-destructive situation. But sometimes I catch myself thinking that I didn't really move down at all.

Whoa, pretty heavy thoughts.

Deep down, I want to stay here. I don't want to move back. Back in Auckland is just the same mistakes I made before. Wellington has opportunities for me to get my life back on track. I'm not doing a fantastic job at the moment, sure, but it will happen. I have good friends down here, and I know the support is there. :) As for love? Fate works in mysterious ways, and when love is ready to show... it will.

Did anything I just write make sense?

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Fireborn Players Guide
Mood: Melancholy and a little distracted
Because some games are just too cool to not promote. :D

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Weapons of the Gods

So I'm mega excited about this:

As Luke or James could probably tell you, WotG is one slick puppy of a game, from the sounds of things. I'm all keen to get a hold of it - which isn't likely to be until the new year... *sigh* It's tough being a gamer in NZ sometimes. :D

Why is it so cool?

Well the focus seems to be about the players and GM working together to decide the set up of the campaign, but in a manner that isn't the usual forgite mess where the players end up knowing too much about what is going on. Instead there is a very intriguing purchase and backgrounds system. I'm practically frothing at the mouth with anticipation. :D

Love and Huggles


Mood: Perkier than Pammy at cocktails evening.

Sometimes a Mac can be an annoying thing

I love my mac. It's a great little computer. But sometimes it just bugs the heck out of me. For some reason my posts on this blog are not showing up on the homepage, and my changes are taking time to filter through. Grrrr. If only I could figure out what is wrong with the silly thing. :D

More ranting later...

Love and Huggles


Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Still fiddling around with this - and I keep finding that the blog isn't updating on my computer. *sigh*

I hope that it will fix up before too long. :D

So you'll find that I am playing with the Post template... sweet. :D All part of my commitment to providing you with the best blogging experience. :)

Remember, message me with any ideas you might have.

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Werewolf: The Forsaken
Currently Playing: Fireborn
Mood: Chipper!

Closing doors, looking out windows...

While I wait for Nick to finish making his Fireborn character, I thought I'd give some explanation to my long time readers...

Yes, I have deleted some of my old posts - the whole Alex/Conan Saga is something I would rather leave in the past, yah? I realise I made some oddly lucid observations during my mad rants, but I'm wanting to try and really give this a nice restart.

Besides, I'm constantly coming up with new and crazy ideas for this blog. Also, people can help by suggesting to me new ideas that they would like to see on this blog. What else can I have to make it more interactive? I'm eager to have more comments and thoughts, open debate, and excuses for people to send me chocolate. :D

I've been thinking about the future recently and how, at 31, I'm still not really sure what I'm wanting to do with my life. Sure, I want to be a writer, and I've applied for the MA in Creative Writing, but what else am I wanting? I have to work in the interim, and what kind of job do I want?

Which leads me to my thoughts about economy and the world. Why do we actually need money? People constantly talk about limited resources and unlimited desires - but it seems to me that is a bit of an excuse for laziness and inefficient planning. Humanity is so desperate to be unique, nobody notices that they really are already without needing all the crap that we add to it.

You see, cultures are important to me because they give us different insights into the world - the only way to see the truth of the world is to look at it from all perspectives. But that does not mean that we should distrust each other on a global scale - or take advantage of each other.

This is what pisses me off about humanity. As a whole, we are predictable and... well... stupid. We bicker, fight and act selfishly for really no reason. Why do people enslave others? I'm not talking about the kinky bedtime romps kind of enslaving - but the genuine, steal another person's freedom type enslaving. Humanity is all about power plays and control. Yet - couldn't we free everyone and give them all control?

In other words, does economy exist to help constrain the greedy and punish the lazy, or has it created the greedy and the lazy?

I keep thinking about how much food the Western world wastes and has just sitting on the shelves in supermarkets while there are people starving in another country. When I ask myself, why can't we send the food to the starving, the answers are numerous and all relate to money and power.

Not to reality. Not to the natural world. But to things that humans have invented in the clumsy well-meaning sense of survival. Let's get something clear here - controlling others against their will is an evil act. We do it all the time, and it scares me when I try to puzzle my way out of the labyrinth of well-meaning acts of stupidity that humanity has created.

Man, I'm sounding so down on the human race...

Let me put it another way...

When I was studying philosophy one of the first things I thought about with Existentialism was how it did, to a point, describe humanity in a way I understood.

See, human nature is a blank slate. There is no real human nature - rather we have the free will do define what it is to be human. That is why humans can be both good and evil at the same time. See, the problem has been that as humanity developed we kept adding definitions to our natures - humans are noble, they are greedy, they are hunters, they are pacifists, they are warriors... as we kept adding, human nature became more and more complex.

The problem is that we never took anything away. After we discovered technology we didn't stop being hunter/gatherers. This is because the change happened so slowly that it never really gave the old way a chance to be decisively negated. So with all these new definitions being added, humanity forgot that it had chosen how to define itself.

So that is why now, more than ever, we have such confused crises of conscience. We don't really know what we are expected to be because there are so many confusing and contradictory views.

Some see this blank slate as a bleak acceptance that there is nothing fixed and we are free to be murderers and killers.

But from an ethical viewpoint, I see this as very powerful - because we choose to be who we are. To me this makes an act of kindness so much more powerful. Because it was a choice. I genuinely believe that ethics exist separately from society. That they are universal common sensical ideas that supercede things because they are purely logical ideas when you account for emotions and feelings. (Which are, in fact, logical to me.)

So the upshot of it all is that when we choose to do a good deed, we don't just choose it for ourselves... but for all humanity. By choosing to do a good deed, we make humanity as a whole... good. That's a pretty empowering thought - and nobody suffers loss of freedom.

Bringing me back to the original topic - there is no reason we can't put aside our differences and try to work out the most efficient use of Earth's resources. Despite all the naysaying, the world has enough to help humanity achieve whatever it wants to do - that's the power of free will and why we are here. Humanity decides its own heaven or hell. It's just that some people have bought into confused and selfish definitions that existed at some point for someone to gain more power for themselves. But such gain is a fleeting benefit. No matter what people say about death, you don't take it with you - and I suspect that on the other side of things... well, you don't benefit there either.

So why bother doing it at all. We have lost our true spirituality. We hide behind religions, cultures in the search for identity. I'm not saying to deny all religion and culture, though, but to recognise that they are mirrors of our own desires. We should have control over them, allow them to mould and change as we change our natures with each new discovery... but instead we have tried to stick rigidly to the past.

We choose our history, our future and our present. So much suffering comes from either not making a choice or having someone prevent us from making our own choices.

So why not try to embrace the freedom that choice gives you. Don't give up on reclaiming your innocence and sense of wonder... it's there still if you really really want it. Being a good person doesn't need anything more than your own faith in yourself and accepting that you choose your reality - well, to a degree.

Anyone want to buy my ten CD self-help set now? ;)

**End Rant**

Until later!

Love and Huggles


The Mysterious Stranger at my door

So while I was cleaning up my old posts and doing a little blog redesign, I found a comment (GASP!!!!) linked to one of my old posts. It was from "cal" regarding my moving to Wellington.

Who is Cal? A look over his/her blog revealed a mysterious soul who knows a number of the people I know down in Wellington. I am now intrigued by this mysterious stranger who has been following my blog... what could be the story? Am I being stalked? Is he some being from another world?

Am I bored and filling in space?

The answers to these questions can only be revealed with the passge of time. And fruitcake! :D

Also - check out all the cool blogs I've linked to in my "friends" list and figure out which of these biarches would make it out in a all out pit-fight slugfest. :D I'm suspecting one of the About Towners would make it through... :D

BTW, if each of the members could provide me with pics, I'll add them in for you guys to see who to pick!


Love and Huggles


Finally... an update!

So this me now. Not the best picture I've taken, but hey, I was using the weenie camera on my phone. :D

Anyhoop, lots has happened since I last posted - yeah, yeah, I'm really slack. :D Well, Mandatory ended up not really being the place I wanted to be, so I've since resigned and I'm planning on looking up new work right now. It looks like I might be going back to ol' F.C.s down here in the interim - which isn't such a bad thing. They pay well and a much more fun to work with than where I've been.

On the plus side - life has been a lot of fun recently when combined with the bad. I've found a place that is muy cool, and things are beginning to look good.

What else to say? I'm trying to think of ways to improve this blog. What kind of crazy rants can I write? I've been kind of lax in keeping up to date with this thing... that's going to have to change. :D

Well - heading off now to think about it, and I will get back to you all later.


Love and huggles!
