I was reading about the continued atrocities being committed in Iraq by assassins and other terrorist types. Now I'm not a supporter of the US action, and I do feel that much of Iraq's troubles were exacerbated by the way the coalition barged in without really having a real long term plan in mind.
But that doesn't excuse what is happening now. No matter what the coalition did, they are not directly responsible for unholy liars drilling into captives for no apparent purpose other than torture for the sake of torture.
These people use culture, religion, nationality and such to justify their actions.
It makes me angry when I read these things, and it also makes me feel helpless. To me, giving money to some aid group isn't enough to fix such ills. Something more needs to be done.
You see, the thing that pisses me off the most is that these people want to perform these actions. They lie to themselves that it is God or Country that makes them do it. It isn't.
There is always a choice. That is the message the universe is constantly trying to tell you. Sometimes it even tries to give you a clue as to the right choice. That reluctance to harm another - that's the universe saying "are you so sure about this?" Because in the end, the universe and you are all part of the same thing.
Religion still angers me. Because while some people use it to comfort themselves and understand how the greater universe operates - others use it to enforce their own selfish desires onto other people in the name of their deity.
It makes me want to weep. I don't want to offend anyone - especially those friends of mine who find peace in their beliefs. After all, I am merely expounding my own beliefs. What gives me the right to say that I'm correct and they are not? Because I can feel it at the core of my soul? I'm sure many muslims and christians would say the same thing.
I don't care how you choose to approach the universe - as long as you admit that it is your personal journey and not one that you intend to force on to others. Because you have no right to. That is what free will is all about.
What hurts the most is this knowledge - if humanity really wanted the world to be peaceful, they could have it tomorrow.
All this talk about not being able to find peace because of centuries of hurt is simply pride talking. People are too proud to admit when they are wrong. I should know, I make the same mistake all the time myself. I argue when I know deep down I'm wrong at times. Why? Because I'm too proud to admit it. I try to learn not to be prideful - but we live in a culture where we are taught that it is a loss of respect to admit when you are wrong.
Religion and Politics is rife with prideful people who know in their hearts that they are wrong, but still stick to their claims out of pride and arrogance.
I don't really know where I am going here. I had it clear in my head. I just wish there was some way to snap people out of their foolishness. The world is hard enough to handle with all the twisted people whose brains are too damaged to know that it is wrong to kill and rape with us having to deal with rational people who are choosing to do so out of some arrogant belief system.
I know we all have dark thoughts, but most of us know better than to act on such passing thoughts.
Sometimes I wonder if the world would have been better if the gods and goddesses of our religions had remained silent and let humanity figure it out for themselves.
If only I could better verbalise what I hold in my heart right now. This feeling of sorrow and disappointment. This feeling that if only something could be said or done to show everyone why the human race is losing its way because of a mistaken belief of life.
I wish I could act on it better too. I want to be a better person, and to show people why when I look outside even on the wettest day I can see the beauty of the universe. Why it is that I do not worry that much about my future. Why it is that I know in the end of all things - it works out.
So why should I care, if it all works out in the end? Because I want the journey there to be one I remember with happiness. Not one that makes me shake my head in shame in the end.
Am I making any sense there?
Love and Huggles
Currently Reading: Shadows of Asia
Currently Playing: Unknown Armies - To Go;Exalted
Mood:Wondering when people will begin to work things out
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