Friday, May 05, 2006

Cardigans in Spaaaaace!

I'm currently at home bed-ridden with some sort of flu or virus. *sigh* It was a tough decision to make - I almost went to work even though I have an iron man triathalon of a running nose. (I don't get sick days until I've been working there for six months.)

So here I am, sitting at home and watching Babylon 5. Now it is improving, but GOD is it tough going at times.

Some of the acting is still cringeworthy, and the fashions, oh my god the fashions. If this is what the 24th century clothing is going to look like... count me out.

Although it is funny to note how much in the 80s and 90s we underestimated the look and development of technology. In regards to Bab 5 I have to keep reminding myself that the series is not as contemporary as shows like Firefly. It is definitely a product of its time.

Speaking of such things, I've been reading a lot of Shadowrun material that was sent to me for review. Shadowrun has recently had a dramatic updating, and it shows. Man, I am falling in love with this game all over again.

Well not much else for me to report at the moment, I'm sick and hoping to be able to rest up enough to work tomorrow and then attend Luke and Matt's birthdays. Otherwise it is going to be one very miserable weekend for me. :D

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Shadows of Asia
Currently Playing: Unknown Armies - To Go;Exalted
Mood: Sick and in bed with a head cold...

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