Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Testing times...

So it's my first Statistics test tonight. *whew* I've done a bit of study into regression and so on, but it's really a case of waiting and seeing what gets thrown at us now. *sigh*

Financially, I only have two days of work this week, so it's leaving me disturbingly short on cash next week - this week is fine, but with a large phone bill due in a fortnight, I'm a little stressy - so that's got me thinking about how to resolve the situation. One way is to clear out my RPG collection.

Some people look at me in shock when I suggest selling my property to cover bills, but I have a remarkably loose view on that. I believe that if I let go of things I haven't used, I make room for new things that I will use. Maybe one day I'll be happy to become a pack rat, but for now - if I don't use it, why keep it?

I need to think about bills, and about the games and DVDs that I will use as well. So I've put up a big list on NZRAG of things I'm offering for sale or trade with other gamers. Maybe that will help.

I briefly considered extending my overdraft - but I'd rather not have to borrow more money to help survive what is only going to be a couple of weeks of inconvenience.

It all really comes down to my not planning my budget more carefully about a fortnight ago. So it's mea culpa - no one to blame but myself. :) Still, I will eventually get on top of things.

All in all, I am feeling better today and I think I'm beginning to get some perspective on my situation and what I want...

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Not much right now...
Currently Playing: Unknown Armies - To Go; Mage: The Awakening - Threshold
Mood:Ready to take on Stats!

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