Friday, May 25, 2007

Project TWC: Foundations

I'm surprised by how some people don't seem to think that I'm serious about this project. At the moment I'm playing with footage taken of the Town Belt to get comfortable with iMovie. It's not as powerful as using Final Cut, but I think it will help. Essentially, yesterday I took footage of areas that kind of fit with the theme or "feel" of the series as I see it in my head.

I also recently bought a book on film-making using DV format. It is aimed at people like myself who are planning to get into film-making with the aid of a camcorder, a computer and a dogged determination to get a film made.

It's proving very helpful, already suggesting techniques in the pre-production. So I've worked on the series overview and I'm planning to work on a storyline for the first five episodes as well as a treatment of those first five episodes - so as to spot the series inconsistencies. :)

To that end, I'm looking for some preproduction crew as well - namely to help with planning, and writing. I have a couple of volunteers for general work on the project. So we'll see how that goes. :)

I am soooo excited! :D

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Practical DV Filmmaking
Currently Playing: Exalted: Nexus of the Sun
Mood: Super happy Conan


Stephanie said...

It sounds interesting, but I'm leery of volunteering because it's a long term commitment, and right now I suck at keeping those. (I mean really suck.)

Conan said...

Well we'll be working in 5 episode segments - that means maybe once every two months, working around people's schedules...

But I'll keep you posted.

Sorry I missed your birthday btw! :(