I just wish I had been able to play in some of the games this year rather than run a stall and play boardgames all weekend. :) Still, that is something to organise for next year. I'm heading up to Auckland in a week's time to attend the Battle Cry convention - and it is looking good so far. Emile is working away at designing some goodies for me as well - so it is a lot of cool stuff to look forward to.
Now for the big news...
Breaking up is hard to do
I've signed up for the Club Physical twelve week challenge. It was competitively priced this year and is a seriously good opportunity for me to force myself into new habits. I had to tell my trainer that I was going with another trainer for the program (by Club Physical's conditions) he looked like he was going to cry. I hadn't talked it over with him or anything - it seriously felt like I was breaking up with a boyfriend for a cuter guy (which is ironic, because the trainer I was set up with was younger and cuter... :D)It was kind of awkward and (secretly) funny. But my trainer was determined and managed to convince the club to let him be my 12-week trainer - which is kind of a mixed bag. Sometimes he makes me feel a little down (our last session left me feeling so negative I didn't go to the gym for two weeks - which isn't normal for me.) On the other hand, he is a nice guy and a good trainer. It was more about my stubborness. :)
Which is why I signed up for this program. It's strict, difficult and can be life-changing. Plus, if my trainer and I work well together we could stand to win $25K for the most dramatic transformation. A lot of the staff and members are signing up to it - so I will be working out with a group of people and we will be able to keep an eye on each other. So I am VERY keen to see how it works out. Fingers crossed!
So I have two weeks of freedom where I can keep to my normal habits and routines. But after I get back from Battle Cry there will be a lot of things happening. I'm scared and excited. I can't wait! :)
Love and Huggles
Currently Reading: Body for Life
Currently Playing: Exalted: Nexus of the Sun
Mood: Watch out body! It's time to get fit! :)
Good luck with that man ! I'm doing a similar kind of thing - though not for any kind of prize money. I'm keeping a food diary to be accountable for what I eat - and I'm finding that making a pretty big difference. It's kinda hard to remember that my 'snack' hunger is just in my HEAD and I don't actually need to eat anything. Stupid head ... thinks it's so cool ...
Go the 12 week programme!!
that was Giffy btw
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