Thursday, February 22, 2007

Rant: Traditional Gamers, Independent Gaming Supporters and Games

So poor Hix was subjected to my recent bugbear - pro-story, anti-gaming, pro-indie game supporters. (Try saying that one three times fast.)

Recently I have become more and more aware of a division forming in this little hobby of mine. One that has a kind of blurry emotional line which is splitting mostly traditional gamers from certain indie gamers.

Now this isn't something Indie games themselves, nor the people who mostly play them. In my experience most gamers are like myself, in the middle happy to try most games. On the other hand there is an emotional battleground developing and is often hinted at by the call-cry of "One True Wayism."

There is no good or bad side. Everyone is making the same arguments. But I am getting a little pissed off at how there are those who have taken sides and refuse to admit to others or themselves that they have done so. (Not particular people I know, but rather certain individuals who hang out on various forums.)

It seems to me that many independent RPG supporters are getting treated much like born again christians. They seem to be seen as a bit kooky, and a little too forceful about their favoured genre of game.

Most frequent visitors to independent game forums would deny that they are such. But I do feel that they are being a bit dishonest with themselves. More on that in a moment...

On the other side, there are the very conservative traditional gamers who have a near irrational hatred for all things indie - as if indie game designers have personally gone and run over their dog!

They are also pissing me off, because it becomes harder for people like myself to make any critical statements about an independent game without being seen as a hard-liner.

Much of this I lay at the feet of Ron Edwards. Yes, it is a harsh statement, but I really don't like the guy. His aggressive and antagonistic approach to traditional gaming - combined with his often populist, poorly researched theory has proved a core element in building up this hostility towards indie games.

I remember the time before Ron Edwards. Back in the day when an independent game was just accepted by those who liked it and the level of rancour that now exists was unheard of. (Not to say it was all roses and happiness, but it certainly wasn't as divisive and nasty as things are now.)

His "Brain damaged" comments have done nothing to help independent game designers make any mark in the industry. He has managed to make a simple hobby something of a minefield when talking about what we enjoy. Contrary to his claims of wanting to create a shared language to help roleplayers and designers talk about their hobby, he has done more to create arguments where there used to be none.

The three-fold way and great model have done more to give roleplayers a negative language to use when playing a game rather than just getting on with enjoying it.


Such games as HEX, QAGS, Spirit of the Century and PTA end up having to battle up hill against negative stereotypes to get accepted.

Most of all, I get angry at people who turn around and say "I wont play Indie games" or "I wont play traditional RPGS" all because of some trumped up generalisation about the game.

I'm going to come out and be honest...

I don't like how some people who are pro-indie game harp on about story and character in a manner that leaves me feeling like I'm inadequate for enjoying something like Exalted. I dislike such crap as "this game made me really think about myself as a person" as if a traditional game couldn't do that.

Yes, I enjoy games like Don't Rest Your Head which challenge your perceptions of roleplaying. But I'm not about to go all evangelistic about it.

I guess I'm feeling just aggressive because I keep seeing this stuff being talked about without any consideration for how it is being communicated.

I understand a lot of the appeal - I just wish the language used were better. I know I can get pretty irrational about it myself. I'm trying to keep calm most of the time - but it irks me a lot.


I know my own communication of my ideas is flawed - I'm still formulating some of them. Maybe I will sit down and plan a more positive discussion about roleplaying issues. But if I hear one more "Ron Edwards is amazing" I think I might just barf. I really feel that he has done more to harm the hobby than any other single figure in the industry. He may have helped boost the indie movement - but he has done more damage than good in my opinion.


Currently Reading: Wild Talents
Currently Playing: Exalted: Nexus of the Sun; Orpheus: Shades of Gray
Mood: Fighting mood!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

12-week-challenge: Week One

Today I began Week Two of my 12-week-challenge at the gym. So let's look back at how my first week went.

Starting off, my trainer gave me a laugh unintentionally when we did another fitness test. The last time I did a fitness test was the last time I went to the gym almost a month ago. In the interim - where I was not doing a heck of a lot of exercise or particularly watching my diet - I somehow managed to lose a kilo of fat and gain about a kilo of muscle instead.

My trainer said "and that was doing my program" which caused me to chuckle under my breath. I didn't have the heart to mention I hadn't been doing any exercise at all in that time. Go figure. :) Still, to be fair, I have been walking more again. And I did some heavy lifting prepping for Battle Cry.

Anyway - on with the program. I have been surprised at how quickly I have changed my diet. It has been subtle - I don't drink soft drinks anymore, I don't eat any chocolate unless it is a protein cookie or bar, I haven't had any deep-fried foods, and I have tried to stick to salads and protein heavy foods.

My body has been in a lot of pain recently due to my workouts - it's that good deep tissue ache though. I, being a true scorpio, kind of like it. :)

The new regime if pretty good, although my bench press exercise has been a bit on the heavy side. I had to throw the barbell off me at one point! So we'll see what happens when I talk to my trainer on Thursday.

All in all, I've been feeling pretty upbeat and good about it all.

Of course there are some other things to talk about - like my trip to Auckland... but I'll leave that for another day. :)

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Godlike
Currently Playing: Exalted: Nexus of the Sun; Orpheus: Shades of Grey
Mood: Feeling psyched and ready to take on the world!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Preparations, Family and Auckland

Well I am currently writing this from Auckland. With the approach of the Battle Cry Convention - where I will be setting up a stall for ESG - I've come up a day early to stay at my Dad's place.

Preparing for Battle Cry has been a pretty gruelling exercise - it's hard to judge what the best approach would be, as I couldn't take nearly as much stock as I brought along to Kapcon. On the converse side, I didn't sell huge quantities at Kapcon, and given that Battle Cry has only one actual break in its programme - I'm not expecting to sell huge quantities at BC either.

So I've tried to pack a reasonable amount of product, and I'm having to seriously think about the prices I'm going to charge to make sure I don't have to carry or courier too much back to Wellington. So here's hoping that I manage to have a successful convention. :)

Dad's place is an interesting home. I'm not really sure how else to put it. It feels big and spacious, I'm staying in a granny flat downstairs which has got me thinking that I might like to look at living on my own for a while sometime this year. I'm not sold on the idea yet - living on your own is HIDEOUSLY expensive - but I'm liking the idea.

Maybe if ESG takes off and next time I get a raise at FCs I might look into moving into a single bedroom place. :)

I'm going to be arranging to catch up with Steve at some point this weekend... kind of nervous about that too.

All in all, it looks to be a good weekend.

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Body for Life
Currently Playing: Exalted: Nexus of the Sun
Mood: Feeling good

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Getting ready for the challenge...

A lot has been happening recently. Firstly, Kapcon was a success - although most of the money made ended up being spent on various things to help set the business up for the next stage of its "evolution." But the promise is clearly there and I'm super excited about the future.

I just wish I had been able to play in some of the games this year rather than run a stall and play boardgames all weekend. :) Still, that is something to organise for next year. I'm heading up to Auckland in a week's time to attend the Battle Cry convention - and it is looking good so far. Emile is working away at designing some goodies for me as well - so it is a lot of cool stuff to look forward to.

Now for the big news...

Breaking up is hard to do

I've signed up for the Club Physical twelve week challenge. It was competitively priced this year and is a seriously good opportunity for me to force myself into new habits. I had to tell my trainer that I was going with another trainer for the program (by Club Physical's conditions) he looked like he was going to cry. I hadn't talked it over with him or anything - it seriously felt like I was breaking up with a boyfriend for a cuter guy (which is ironic, because the trainer I was set up with was younger and cuter... :D)

It was kind of awkward and (secretly) funny. But my trainer was determined and managed to convince the club to let him be my 12-week trainer - which is kind of a mixed bag. Sometimes he makes me feel a little down (our last session left me feeling so negative I didn't go to the gym for two weeks - which isn't normal for me.) On the other hand, he is a nice guy and a good trainer. It was more about my stubborness. :)

Which is why I signed up for this program. It's strict, difficult and can be life-changing. Plus, if my trainer and I work well together we could stand to win $25K for the most dramatic transformation. A lot of the staff and members are signing up to it - so I will be working out with a group of people and we will be able to keep an eye on each other. So I am VERY keen to see how it works out. Fingers crossed!

So I have two weeks of freedom where I can keep to my normal habits and routines. But after I get back from Battle Cry there will be a lot of things happening. I'm scared and excited. I can't wait! :)

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Body for Life
Currently Playing: Exalted: Nexus of the Sun
Mood: Watch out body! It's time to get fit! :)