Monday, July 03, 2006

Deals and Plans

Well it is slow going, but things are still on the up and up with ESG. I'm currently working on a deal that will be quite lucrative if it works out. So everyone with PDFs should keep an eye on this space. :D

I'm still in a bit of a strange place emotionally. I've been haunted by strange dreams involving people I know and have known. A lot of anxiety dreams about gaming and where I'm heading from here. Most concerning is the relationship front.

E. and I were chatting yesterday and he said to me "you really do want to have someone to date, don't you." Which I confirmed. But it is proving to be really difficult. It is frustrating to know that there could be the ideal person out there for me, and I'm just not meeting him.

I'm not really sure where to go or what to do now. *sigh*

Love and Huggles


Currently Reading: Nothing
Currently Playing: The Grand Experiment;Exalted
Mood: Kind of lonely and a little worried about business...

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