Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Ransom Model

Meatbot Massacre

Well Greg Stolze is at it again with another inspirational game concept. This time he and Daniel Solis have worked together to create a model of game that cuts out the distributor and target piracy. Basically they set a value - in this case $600 - on their game which they held for ransom. If the money wasn't raised by September 2005 then the game would be abandoned and the money that was raised would go to a homeless shelter. If the money was raised, then the game would be published as a PDF for free for everyone to download.

It worked! They managed to raise the money almost five months ahead of schedule. This strikes me as a great alternative for small publishing companies and for writers wanting to make a little money writing and publishing their own games.

Check it out and see what you think. Hopefully we'll be seeing more of this kind of thing from Mr Stolze in the future. :)


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